We want to help our parent coaches run awesome trainings and make football as fun as possible for our players.​ To do this we have developed three key initiatives, which are explained below.
1) Training and mentoring programme
We will be delivering an internal coaching development programme, to complement the courses offered by Capital Football (we will also engage with Capital Football to increase the regularity with which these are offered, and to ensure they are better advertised).
The programme will involve a series of short 45 minute trainings at the Karori Park clubrooms, each focussing on a key aspect of coaching (for example, how to plan a fun training session).
In addition, our club coaching team will be in touch with all parent coaches throughout the season to see how you are going and will be available if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything football related with them.
2) Regular resources and guidance
We will provide training ideas, coaching resources, interesting news stories and other information that might be useful to your coaching.
A selection of useful coaching resources can also be found here.
3) Karori Coaching Network
We have set up a “Karori Coaching Network” Facebook group – please look it up and join if you haven’t already (see
This group can be used by all of our coaches as a platform to share ideas, resources and team updates, and to ask questions. We will also feed some of the resources from the regular emails into the group, and use it to remind you of upcoming events.
In addition we will be organising semi-regular social get-togethers at a local pub, as a chance for those who are interested to meet one another in a more relaxed environment. We will send out details of these functions closer to the time by email and through the Facebook group.